What is scoping?

What is scoping

Scoping is the process of taking the raw transcript data from the court reporter and turning it into a polished transcript. The process of turning around the rough transcript into a clean transcript may take a considerable amount of time, time that the court reporter may use to complete other stenography jobs or have a life! Instead, the verbatim recording is handed over to the scopist, who takes the time to ensure that the translated transcript is completed quickly, timely, and accurately and returned as a scoped file to the client.

What exactly is a scopist?

What exactly is a scopist?

A scopist’s job is to assist the court reporter in the transcription process.

A scopist edits the transcripts of legal court proceedings created by court reporters.  After a court reporter transcribes the proceedings from spoken word, a scopist formats the transcript and checks for mistakes, and edits grammar and punctuation. A scopist needs excellent grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and research skills.

How much does the course cost?

How much does the course cost?

The total cost of the eight-section course is $2,995 USD.

Do I have to pay for sections I don’t need to take?

Do I have to pay for sections I don’t need to take?

Yes, the course is sold in its entirety.  However, the Introduction to the course is available for free, and you will be able to assess whether scoping is the right fit for you.

What are the start-up costs involved in becoming a scopist?

What are the start-up costs involved in becoming a scopist?

Start-up costs include the course, software, a computer that meets the technical requirements, and headphones.

What is your cancelation policy? Money-back guarantee?

What is your cancelation policy? Money-back guarantee?

Scoping International stands behind the courses and products we offer.  Section 1 is completely free for potential students to access and complete. If you make payment for Section 2 but do not access it within 14 days, you may request a refund within those 14 days. There may be a cancelation fee depending on the payment method.  However, once you access any paid section, no refund will be issued even if you do not complete the section.

Do you make any guarantees?

Do you make any guarantees?

We guarantee that if you legitimately put in the work and use the resources we provide, you will succeed in finishing this course and will be fully equipped to start your scoping career.  Once you have begun your scoping career, there is a learning curve. The faculty at Scoping International is here to assist you as you navigate through the course. However, we can’t make any guarantees that you will have a successful career as that depends on you.

How do I pay for the course?

How do I pay for the course?

We accept Visa and Mastercard.

Will Scoping International help me get clients?

Will Scoping International help me get clients?

Scoping International is not involved directly in getting your clients. However, during this course, you will become confident in finding clients. You will learn where to look for clients and how to build a lasting relationship with them. Having said that, we maintain a master list of graduates, and court reporters looking for scopists will have access to this list. The court reporter would contact you directly if they would like to work with you.

Is it easy to get started? What are the system requirements?

Is it easy to get started? What are the system requirements?

Yes, it is easy to get started. The first section is free, all you need to do is register.

Refer to the question “What equipment do I need to take the course?

What if I am not a self-starter?

What if I am not a self-starter?

If you aren’t a self-starter, then it might be challenging for you to make a new career as a scopist. Scopists are self-employed and in control of their own time and resources. This job demands that you can budget and have control of your time.

How much does a scopist make? How much can I hope to earn as a newbie?

How much does a scopist make?

A beginner scopist can realistically complete 10-15 pages per hour, possibly more. The amount of pages you complete depends on how many hours you want to work and how many jobs you want to accept. The average annual income range is $30,000 – $50,000 USD.

Why is Scoping International the right choice?

Why is Scoping International the right choice?

We offer the perspective of three different scopists working actively in the industry using the most up-to-date software in the most cutting edge areas of the industry. We won’t waste your time with outdated methods and tools. In our course, we give you our best tips and tricks to shorten your learning curve as a new scopist. We will help you avoid making the same mistakes we made when we first started.

We have designed the course to appeal to different learning styles. We provide not just text but also videos. We provide downloadable reference sheets throughout the sections.

What kind of support will I receive as a student/graduate?

What kind of support will I receive as a student/graduate?

One-on-one coaching is available for all students and graduates.  All one-on-one calls are at an additional fee.

There is also a forum within the course platform moderated by the instructors for current and former students to support each other.

How long will the course take me to complete?

How long will the course take me to complete?

Although it is a self-paced course, students have completed a course like this within 6-9 months.  The eight-section course is made up of 35 modules, each module takes approximately 2-6 hours to complete. The practice section is the longest. It may take weeks to complete as it is the most intensive part of the course.

What equipment do I need to take the course?

What equipment do I need to take the course?

A computer, keyboard, mouse, headphones, software, and an internet connection.

Check if your computer will work with the CAT System here.

Does my internet connection matter?

Does my internet connection matter?

You will need internet access to download the course materials, take the tests, and to perform your work as a scopist. However, you do not need to be continuously connected to the internet. Your work as a scopist can be performed off-line, and an internet connection will only be needed to receive and submit a file, along with any research that is necessary to complete the job.

What basic skills does a scopist need to be successful?

What basic skills does a scopist need to be successful?

A scopist needs to have excellent grammar, vocabulary, and research skills. They have to develop a good knowledge of legal terminology. Accurate typing skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work on their own are important skills. Being a self-starter, good communicator, organized, open to feedback, and good problem-solving skills will take you far as a scopist.

How easy is it for me to find work as a scopist?

How easy is it for me to find work as a scopist?

Most scopists work as independent contractors. Once you complete the course, you will have all the necessary tools and knowledge to start working right away. The demand for scopists far outweighs the number of scopists currently working.

Is there any financial aid available?

Is there any financial aid available?

Scoping International does not offer financial aid.

Does Scoping International issue a certificate of completion?

Does Scoping International issue a certificate of completion?

Yes, you will receive a certificate upon completion that you can download and print.

Will electronic recording make scopists obsolete?

Will electronic recording make scopists obsolete?

A hot topic in the industry, however, a computer is yet to be able to replace a scopist or court reporter because it is not able to read nuance and context, not to mention, court audio recordings are usually hard to hear.

Do I need to know/learn steno?

Do I need to know/learn steno?

No, you do not need to know/learn steno. In most cases, the transcript comes to you with the audio recording.  If there are missing words in the transcript, the audio recording will assist you in filling in the missing words.

What is CAT software? Do you offer a discount?

What is CAT software? Do you offer a discount?

CAT software is the software scopists use to access and edit court transcripts. It translates raw shorthand notes into English words and punctuation. 

Case CATalyst is the specific CAT software we train you on to be proficient during this course. 

Stenograph offers a $100.00 discount to our students.

What CAT systems are available, and what do they cost?

What CAT systems are available, and what do they cost?

Case CATalyst EDIT version is $1,795 USD excluding tax.  This could be included as part of your tax write-offs as a self-employed scopist.

What is the future of the scoping profession?

What is the future of the scoping profession?

There is more demand for scopists than there are currently working. Current trends show that there is a future for skilled scopists. 
There is a shortage of court reporters worldwide. Some court reporters do their own scoping – which means they are not in legal proceedings transcribing. When a court reporter hires a scopist, they are able to take on more transcribing work and earn more income. It is a win-win for both court reporters and scopists. As long as there is work for court reporters, there is work for scopists.

Is the scoping profession a viable career?

Is the scoping profession a viable career?

Scoping is not a get rich quick scheme or passive income. It is work and requires effort but is a career that can provide the income and flexibility many are looking for.

How do I know if I would be a successful scopist?

How do I know if I would be a successful scopist?

If you see yourself as someone with excellent grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and research skills, as well as a willingness to gain knowledge of legal terminology, medical terminology, and transcript production, then scoping might be the career for you. Scopists are typically voracious readers, gatherers of eclectic knowledge, and comfortable using computers. Having said that, many scopists started their careers with no knowledge of legal and medical terminology but were willing to learn and research and therefore have become successful.

What’s the difference between a scopist and a court reporter or transcriptionist?

What’s the difference between a scopist and a court reporter or transcriptionist?

A scopist assists the court reporter in the transcription process and works with an audio recording as well as text that is already written by the court reporter.

Court reporters attend official proceedings, such as court hearings or depositions, and transcribe the spoken word to written text, mostly using stenotype machines. The court reporter is legally responsible for the transcript.

A transcriptionist is a documentation specialist. The job entails listening to voice recordings and converting them into written documents word-for-word.  A transcriptionist can convert any recording into a written document whereas a scopist focuses solely on documents written by court reporters on steno machines.

Is proofreading the same as scoping?

Is proofreading the same as scoping?

No, they are not the same thing. Proofreaders are the last to go over a document (after the scopist) to ensure it is free from error.  

What are the drawbacks to become a scopist?

What are the drawbacks to become a scopist?

Scopists are usually self-employed self-starters who spend a lot of time in front of a computer. The hours sometimes can be long and lonely. The work fluctuates throughout the year as with most freelance work.

What are the benefits of becoming a scopist?

What are the benefits of becoming a scopist?

You are entirely in control of your career, you can work as much or as little as you like. You are also able to work from anywhere at any time. An internet connection is only needed to send the final copy and receive the file and research. Sometimes a transcript is incredibly interesting!

What is the one-on-one coaching program?

What is the one-on-one coaching program?

One-on-one coaching sessions are offered as an additional purchase to current students or graduates. In one-on-one coaching, you’ll have the opportunity to get your specific questions answered or feedback tailored just for you at any point during the course or after graduation.

How long are the one-on-one coaching sessions? What do they include?

How long are the one-on-one coaching sessions? What do they include?

One-on-one coaching sessions are 60-minute sessions that are available to be purchased in addition to the course and be used at the student’s discretion for when they want help with any area of the course.  The coaching sessions do not include technical support; however, they include software support.

What’s included in the course?

What’s included in the course?

Lifetime access to the complete online curriculum from Scoping International.  The course includes an in-depth grammar and punctuation section, complete software training, and a marketing and business section that will prepare you to launch your scoping career.

How many units are there?

How many units are there?

Eight sections and over 35 units not including practice files, quizzes, and the final exam.

How long does each unit take?

How long does each unit take?

Depends on each student, their learning style, and the discipline they have when studying.  Some units are easily and quickly completed, other units take a bit more time.  Consider 6-9 months of part-time study to complete the course.

Can I take more than one section of the course at a time?

Can I take more than one section of the course at a time?

No, you can only take one section at a time. You have to pass the section to move onto the next section. Sections must be taken in order. 

It is a course designed with sections to build on the knowledge learned in the previous section until the end practice files and final exam when everything is put together.

What is the passing grade for a unit to move to the next unit?

What is the passing grade for a unit to move to the next unit?

Critical sections have a passing grade of 85%. The final exam has an 85% passing grade required for graduation. 

You will have three chances to pass these sections. There is also a final transcript that you will need to complete before moving forward to the marketing section. You will have two attempts to pass the final transcript.

Is the course completely online?

Is the course completely online?

Yes. No set classroom schedule.  Perfect for students who want to learn from wherever they are.

Will I be able to talk to other scopists who are taking the course?

Will I be able to talk to other scopists who are taking the course?

Yes, we have a student forum within our program where you can interact and get support from other students and grads.

How much can I make as a scopist?

How much can I make as a scopist?

Up to you. It depends on how many pages you can do an hour and how many hours you want to work. The average annual income range is $30,000 – $50,000 USD.

How do I find work as a scopist?

How do I find work as a scopist?

A variety of ways which we discuss in our How to Get Clients section.