Every year as spring begins, we find ourselves at the threshold of scholarship season. At Scoping International, it is a time we eagerly anticipate, for it allows us to reaffirm our commitment to uplifting individuals worldwide through education.  

We have held steadfast to the belief that education should be accessible to all, regardless of geographical location or economic circumstance. Whether you are a retired teacher, a digital nomad, or a devoted stay-at-home mom or dad, we recognize that the pursuit of knowledge knows no boundaries. 

In a world where economic disparities persist and educational opportunities remain unevenly distributed, we envision a future where individuals from all walks of life can harness their potential and pursue fulfilling careers. Through our comprehensive Complete Scoping Course, we aim to equip aspiring scopists with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today’s digital landscape. 

Our dream is simple, to foster a global community of scopists empowered to create their own paths, support their families, and find fulfillment in their work, regardless of where they reside or their financial means. 

The annual Scoping International Scholarship Program embodies our unwavering commitment to this vision. Each year, we are honored to offer one full scholarship and two partial scholarships to deserving candidates. The application window opens during Q2 and the recipients are announced at the beginning of Q3. 

We invite individuals from every corner of the globe to apply, regardless of their background or circumstances. Whether you’re embarking on a new career path, seeking to enhance your skill set, or simply yearning for a fresh opportunity, we welcome your application. 

To apply, candidates are invited to submit a compelling personal essay of 500 words or less, sharing their personal journey and explaining why they believe they are deserving of the scholarship. Whether you choose to highlight your aspirations, recount your challenges, or articulate your passion for scoping, we eagerly await to read your stories. 

Applications are distributed via email and to apply all you need to do is fill out the personal information and then attach your essay. The team at Scoping International carefully considers each application and then conducts interviews with the short list of candidates. We strive to award the scholarship to those that are deserving and committed. Please consider your participation seriously as it’s not our goal that these scholarships end up unused. We encourage you to spread the word to friends, family, and colleagues who may benefit from this opportunity. Together, let’s ensure that education remains accessible for all. 

Typically, the Complete Scoping Course can be started at any time but please note that scholarship recipients must enroll and be prepared to commence the course by September 1 of the year they apply. 

As we embark on this journey together, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each member of our community for your unwavering support. Your belief in our mission fuels our determination to make a difference, one scopist at a time. 

For the latest updates and announcements, be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @scopinginternational. 

Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey. 

Warm regards, 

The Team at Scoping International 


In today’s digital age, more and more people find themselves working in sedentary desk jobs from the comfort of their homes. While the flexibility and convenience of remote work are undeniable, it also presents a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining self-care routines. Sitting for prolonged periods, lack of physical activity, and the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life can take a toll on both our physical and mental well-being. However, with a mindful approach and intentional habits, it’s possible to thrive in a sedentary desk job while prioritizing self-care. 

Scoping International wants the best for our students and graduates.  We are here to support you and make sure that your new scoping career enhances your life.  So in this blog, we’ll explore practical strategies and effective self-care practices that can transform your work-from-home experience.

  1. Prioritize Ergonomics: Creating an ergonomic workstation is crucial for maintaining good posture and reducing the risk of physical strain. Invest in a comfortable chair that supports your back and promotes proper alignment. Adjust the height of your desk and monitor to ensure that your screen is at eye level. Consider using a standing desk or incorporating movement breaks to break up long periods of sitting.
  2. Incorporate Physical Activity: Counterbalance the sedentary nature of your job by incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. Schedule regular exercise breaks throughout the day, such as stretching, yoga moves, or short walks. Utilize fitness apps or online workout classes to stay motivated and engaged. Even small activities like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing household chores can make a difference.
  3. Practice Mindful Breaks: Take intentional breaks during your workday to recharge your mind and prevent burnout. Engage in mindfulness practices like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply stepping away from your desk and focusing on the present moment. Use these breaks to disconnect from work-related stressors and engage in activities that bring you joy, such as reading a book, listening to music, or pursuing a hobby.
  4. Establish Boundaries: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial when your workspace merges with your living space. Set clear boundaries between your work and personal life by defining specific working hours and creating a designated workspace. Avoid checking work-related emails or engaging in work tasks outside of your defined work hours. Create a shutdown ritual that signals to your body that the workday is over, i.e., power down your computer, tidy your workspace, or turn off the light at your desk. Embrace the freedom of remote work by intentionally scheduling time for leisure activities, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing personal interests.  
  5. Nourish Your Body and Mind: Proper nutrition is essential for sustaining energy levels and maintaining focus throughout the workday. Plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks in advance to avoid relying on quick and unhealthy options. Stay hydrated by keeping a water bottle at your desk and making it a habit to drink regularly. Additionally, prioritize getting enough sleep each night to support overall well-being and cognitive function.
  6. Foster Social Connections: Working from home can sometimes feel isolating, so it’s important to nurture social connections. Schedule virtual coffee breaks or lunch dates with colleagues to maintain a sense of camaraderie. Engage in online communities or join professional networks related to your field to connect with like-minded individuals. Social interactions, even in a virtual setting, can boost morale and provide a sense of belonging.
  7. Seek Variety and Stimulate Your Mind: Stagnation and monotony can contribute to a lack of motivation and creativity. Seek variety in your work tasks by exploring different projects or taking up new challenges. Set aside time for learning and professional development to stimulate your mind and expand your skill set specific to scoping.  Have you considered joining Margie Holds Class?  What about subscribing and/or regularly watching educational YouTube channels on grammar? Engage in creative activities like painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument during your leisure time to promote mental well-being.

We know what it’s like to get in the “five more pages” trap. While a sedentary desk job at home may pose challenges to self-care, by implementing these techniques, you will ensure the longevity of your career as a scopist, boost productivity, and therefore profitability, and ensure scoping enhances rather than takes over your life.  

Happy scoping!


Studying is an essential part of the learning process. Whether you are in school, pursuing a career, or simply expanding your knowledge, studying is a vital aspect of achieving your goals. However, studying can be challenging and overwhelming at times. Therefore, it’s important to have effective study tips to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.  Here’s some tips we put together so you can achieve success in the Complete Scoping Course.

  1. Create a schedule: One of the most effective study tips is to create a schedule. You should allocate specific times for studying and stick to it. Maybe you have heard it called “time block.”  This helps to create a routine, which is essential for long-term success. Moreover, having a schedule ensures that you are making time for everything else in your life, such as work, family, and social activities – we’ll talk more about work-life balance in a future blog.
  2. Find a quiet place to study: Another important study tip is to find a quiet place to study. Distractions can be a major obstacle to effective studying.   TURN OFF YOUR NOTIFICATIONS!   It’s important to find a quiet and comfortable environment where you can focus. This could be your local library, your favorite coffee shop, or even a designated study area in your home.
  3. Use the Pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro technique is a time-management method that helps you stay focused and motivated while studying. The technique involves breaking your study sessions into 25-minute intervals, followed by a 5-minute break. This method has been proven to increase productivity and reduce procrastination.  Did you know that for the majority of us, our attention diminishes after 20 minutes.  You’re not doing yourself any favors by trying to break any world records here.  Stick to the 25-minute intervals and you’ll see an overall increase in memory retention, that means satisfaction in retaining all those grammar rules!
  4. Take breaks: It’s important to take regular breaks while studying. Your brain needs time to rest and recharge, and taking breaks can help improve your focus and concentration. However, it’s important to use your breaks wisely.  When you have been working or studying on a computer, instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV, try doing something active, such as taking a walk or doing some stretches. Your brain will thank you, and so will your eyes.
  5. Use active learning techniques: Active learning techniques involve engaging with the material you are studying actively. This could involve taking notes, summarizing information, creating flashcards, or teaching the material to someone else. Active learning techniques have been shown to be more effective than passive learning techniques, such as reading and highlighting. I wrote out flashcards for every single grammar rule in the book.  Let me tell you, it worked!
  6. Stay organized: Staying organized is essential for effective studying. This involves keeping track of your assignments, notes, and deadlines. You should also keep your study materials organized and easily accessible. This can help reduce stress and improve your focus.  Try to set a completion date for the course, then after looking at all the modules in the Complete Scoping Course, map out when you want to accomplish them.  This then leads to the next point… 
  7. Stay motivated: Finally, it’s important to stay motivated while studying. Set realistic goals for yourself and reward yourself when you achieve them. Surround yourself with positive influences, such as supportive friends and family. Moreover, remember why you are studying and the benefits it will bring you in the long run.  Don’t forget to reward yourself once in a while for big accomplishments, like passing that grammar final and then graduation! 

In conclusion, effective studying requires discipline, focus, and motivation. By using these study tips, you can improve your chances of success and achieve your goals. Remember to create a schedule, find a quiet place to study, use the Pomodoro technique, take breaks, use active learning techniques, stay organized, and stay motivated. With these tips, you can make studying a more productive and enjoyable experience.

We would love to hear what techniques you have been using while studying for the Complete Scoping Course.  Follow us on Instagram at @scopinginternational and send us a DM.  We’d love to hear from you! Happy studying! 


One of the biggest anxieties our students face, whether prospective or currently enrolled, is the critical tests in the Complete Scoping Course.  There are three – the punctuation test, the software test, and the final transcript – and students can’t access the rest of the course without passing these tests.   That means that potentially a student has taken the leap, invested time and money in themselves and then can’t pass a test.  Then what?  Have you just paid close to $5,000 and spent hours and hours learning and that’s it?   That feels so overwhelming and scary, and we get it.  We’ve been there ourselves.   

So let’s talk about this.  Why do we have critical tests in the course?  How do we recommend that you prepare for them?   And what should you do if you fail? 

Why do we have critical tests in the Complete Scoping Course? 

Believe it or not, these tests are really for you, our students and potential scopist.  In our opinion there are two really big reasons why these tests benefit you: 

  • Testing ensures that Scoping International only produces the best scopists.  We feel very passionately about Scoping International’s reputation in the court reporting industry.  We want court reporters to see a Scoping International student and snatch them up before anyone can work with them.  We want our graduates to be the best of the best and have really profitable careers so that, when you start out professionally, you only have to say “I’m a Scoping International graduate” and you’re booked; you’re set.  This can only happen if we make sure that you truly understand and are applying what we teach you, and these tests, especially the final transcript, help us to see your caliber as a scopist and give you the feedback you need to become a successful scopist.   
    • Now, don’t panic if you’re about to tackle your final transcript.  We do NOT expect you to be perfect.  We will NOT fail you over one missed comma or any other one-off errors we find in your submission.  We are looking at the overall picture.  Overall, are you showing you understand when to shift from Q and A to colloquy?  Overall, are you showing that you understand and follow reporter preferences?  Overall, are you showing a grasp of grammar and are able to apply your knowledge to the verbatim record? 
  • The second reason is to help you face any fears you will experience when you are scoping professionally.  That feeling of clicking “Send” on a job and waiting for feedback does not go away once you complete our course.  In fact, those of us who have been scoping for years still feel that old anxiety popping up anytime we’re sending a job for the first time to a new client.  It’s scary!  What if they don’t like my work?  The testing process in the Complete Scoping Course allows you to confront that fear and get familiar with it.  It’s not a comfortable feeling, and we really understand that.  Unfortunately, that discomfort never really disappears, and this is a good opportunity for you to work through being uncomfortable and not let that stop you from achieving what you have set out to do. 

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” 

– Jack Canfield 

How does the faculty at Scoping International recommend that you prepare for the critical tests? 

We’re going to give you the scoop on how to pass our tests.  We’re doing this because we really, really want to see you succeed, and we want to give you all the tools you need to do so!  You still have to do the work, but we’ll make sure you know where to focus.  

Here’s a breakdown of each critical test and our top tips for preparing for each one: 

The punctuation test: 

  • Make sure you’ve done all of the worksheets provided in the course. 
  • Make a list of each section and subheading.   Note which sections you aren’t clear on and get more information.  Look up quizzes, go through blog posts on the subject.  If you’ve already invested in the resources recommended in this course, use those to work on firming up your understanding.   
  • Ask for tips and further explanations from your fellow students in the Facebook group. Ask for help at our drop-in sessions.   
  • Book a one-on-one coaching call with Coralie at

The software test: 

  • The biggest tip we have here is use the transcript that you download in the section to physically practice what you’re learning.  None of the concepts you’re studying will really stick until you’ve been applying them kinetically.  It’s okay if you completely “mess up” the practice transcript.   That’s the whole point of this – make your mistakes, figure things out.  This is a safe place to do that.  You can always close the transcript without saving your changes and you’ll have it back to its original form the next time you open it.  And the transcript is available to download as many times as you need to “play” with it.  So get in there, explore, make mistakes, learn from them, then take the test! 
  • Again, reach out to your fellow students in the Facebook group and ask them for suggestions and help and attend our drop-in sessions to ask your questions to one ?of the instructors. 
  • Book a one-on-one coaching session with Rachel at

The final transcript: 

  • Do the practice transcripts.  I’m going to say it again because it’s simple but serious:  Do the practice transcripts.  Compare your version to the scoped version provided.  Notice grammar decisions, formatting decisions, make notes, and learn why those decisions were made.   When we are grading your final transcript, we can tell if you’ve utilized those practice transcripts or not.  So don’t cheat yourself.  Do the work. 
  • Pay very close attention to preferences when you’re doing the practice transcripts.  Learn to follow them closely.  Following preferences is one of the most important skills an excellent scopist has, and we pay attention to your ability to follow them when we grade the final. 
  • Follow the Scoping Recipe Card provided in Section 4.  Using this tool will help you to avoid the pitfalls both new and experienced scopists fall into. 

What should you do if you fail? 

“We are all failures – at least the best of us are.”  

– J.M. Barrie

Oh, the heart-sinking-into-your-stomach feeling you get when you see you’ve failed a test.  Trust me, all three of us course instructors are all too familiar with that horrible feeling.   We’ll share a little secret with you that we hope will give you hope.  Very nearly every student who has taken our critical tests have failed on the first try.  You are in the company of greatness.  It’s not about failing; it’s about not giving up.  So when you fail, after your heart has emerged from your stomach and returned to its proper place, take some time to think about the parts of the test that were difficult for you.  This is why we give you more than one chance.  We all need an opportunity to try again and room to grow and apply our lessons, and that’s what we are giving you.  

 We recommend writing down notes soon after failing a test so that you can capture what your biggest struggles are while they are fresh in your mind.  Then take a break.   Give your brain a rest and time to process.  Then go back and study the portions that you see you need more information on.  Again, attend drop-in sessions and ask for clarification on those points you’re struggling with or book a coaching call for a one-on-one conversation. 

Now while we do give you chances to retest, those chances are not limitless.   There are three chances to pass the punctuation section and the software training.  There are two chances to pass the final.   If you have used up all three chances, there is still hope.  You can pay a fee to take the test.  Every retest after that point will incur a fee.  And we strongly advise you to be taking full advantage of all of the resources we’ve mentioned many times in this post – drop-ins, coaching sessions, and the Facebook group – as you continue to study. 

Also, please remember that you have lifetime access to the information you’ve gained access to so far.  We are sure there is a reason this career appealed to you.  It may just be that you need to take more time, take a break and come back to it later.  You can come back a couple months later.  You can come back 10 years later.  It’s always yours.  And after that time, you may have gained the knowledge and skills you need to pass these tests.   

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

– Bill Gates 

The faculty at Scoping International truly wish you success in your scoping career, and we offer as much support as we can.  We hope this post has encouraged you to work through your fear, face and take those tests, and to calmly approach each setback or failure as a chance to learn.   

We look forward to seeing you at our future drop-ins and in our Facebook group with all of your questions! 


So you’ve finally found a profession that you feel meets all of your requirements.  You’re a word nerd; you’ve always geeked out on legal dramas; you want the freedom to work wherever and whenever suits you; you want to earn a decent living being your own boss.  But which scoping training program should you choose? 

We want to show you what sets Scoping International apart and why you should choose us! 

You get the benefit of three instructors.  Here’s the thing, there are a wide variety of preferences in the court reporting industry.  We are the only online training course available that offers the benefit of multiple instructors.  Because there are three instructors who are actively working as scopists now, you get the most up-to-date and well-rounded education in scoping.  You learn about the different ways to do things in the industry, why they’re done differently, and gain the experience to find your ideal match in clients, ensuring success and satisfaction for both you as the scopist and for your future court reporting clients.  All three of the instructors have scoped for clients who live and work abroad and have or are living abroad themselves.  Each of us know how to get clients around the world and can teach you to do the same. 

In-depth and comprehensive training in grammar and software.  We believe that knowing how to spell correctly and punctuate the verbatim record is vital to being a good scopist, and we love the English language and are excited to teach you about the unique way we work with it in scoping.  But what really puts our scopists light years ahead of graduates from other programs is our in-depth and exclusive software training.  There are two reasons it is vital that a scopist know how to use the software:  Accuracy and profitability.  If you don’t know how to use the software completely and properly, you can create serious problems in the transcript and add hours of extra work for yourself, or worse, the court reporter.   And the software is a powerful tool that, when thoroughly understood, can help you to edit more accurately and more quickly.  And in this industry, speed is essential to profitability.  On average, our graduates are scoping 50% faster than graduates of other programs immediately upon graduation, helping them to earn more earlier on in their career.  

Lifetime access to the course.  As the industry changes, we adapt our content to keep up.  You can always come back to the course to get a refresher in grammar, software, finding clients, and editing tips. 

Our drop-in sessions.  We really believe this is one of the most valuable benefits to our course.  Every month, our students get free, live access to the instructors.  We answer any and all of your questions from grammar to formatting, addressing any uncertainties or insecurities you have as you enter your new career.  We also offer a breakout room to graduates where they can get one-on-one assistance from the instructors regarding all things business, how to get clients, any questions they have about client interactions, and tips for improving profitability. 

Private Facebook groups for students and graduates.  While this is a self-paced, online school, you’re by no means on your own.  Your fellow students and instructors are readily available to offer advice and support as you go through the course. 

Thorough and personalized marketing training.  Because you have multiple instructors, this is the only course that addresses the fact that there are different types of reporters and different types of scopists.  We teach you about the different reporters that are out there and help you learn what type of scopist you are, helping you to be confident and excited when getting your first court reporting clients. 

Need more convincing?  Book a time with Coralie, Heidi, or Rachel here:  We are happy to answer any other questions you have as you consider making scoping your future career.  


When considering a new career, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is what is the future of this occupation?  Especially when considering how technology might affect your job.

Workplace technology has advanced at a never-before-seen rate. The MIT Technology Review states that the pandemic has accelerated the move to a hybrid workplace, and also has amplified the use of technology in our workplace (Insight, 2020). A survey published by McKinsey & Company shows how “COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point–and transformed business forever.” The survey explains that in the first few months of the pandemic, “the share of digital or digitally enabled products in their portfolios has accelerated by a shocking seven years.”  Without a doubt, technology is playing a greater part in every workplace, so the question is how is it affecting the scoping industry?

Technology and the future of scoping can be a controversial subject in the industry. Scoping and court reporting are linked, so to talk about one, we have to talk about the other. After a court reporter writes steno notes of the proceedings, a scopist then edits those files. Because we now have improved and more common audio to text technology, it’s a common misconception that court reporting will slowly be replaced by software that translates audio files to text and that technology will advance enough that scopists will be less and less in demand. However, the opposite is actually true. Even as technology advances, legal proceedings will still happen, and the transcripts from those proceedings will still need to be edited. Scopists fill that need. It’s controversial because court reporters feel it threatens their livelihood and it undermines the skill they possess. Like anyone, they do not appreciate the suggestion that they are replaceable by a machine. Nothing can replace the human brain.

Have you ever tried the voice to text option on your smartphone?  What was the result?  Were there still errors to correct? Yes? Exactly! Court reporters can do something that recording devices can’t.  They can see the person talking, read lips, and they can process multiple people talking at once. Margie Wakeman Wells, an English instructor specializing in the court reporting industry and known for her best-selling reference text Court Reporting: Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation, calls it “You had to be there” punctuation, and sometimes, as a scopist, listening to the file, you have to trust the reporter. They were there. A scopist’s job relies on the court reporter’s transcript to be able to format and fix those kinds of errors, whether it be grammar, the spelling of industry jargon, or punctuation.

So, if the human court reporter is superior to any known machine, why are some court proceedings still turning to voice and video recordings and transcription services? To put it clearly, there is a serious shortage of court reporters. In addition, as in any industry, court systems and law firms are trying to save money. This creates a situation where digital reporting, video, or just audio recording becomes really tempting. The court reporter is getting cut out of the picture as proceedings get videotaped and sent straight to a transcriptionist. The demand for proceedings outweighs the availability of court reporters. Something needs to fill the gap. This is just a fact. It’s in the numbers.

While a scopist can choose to scope files from video and audio recordings, Scoping International really feels that having a court reporter at a proceeding is and will continue to be the best option. The other options are usually found wanting, and those who tried them come back to court reporters. The faculty at Scoping International states, “We really think more needs to be done to raise awareness that this industry exists, it’s viable, and will never disappear, at least not in the foreseeable future.” Whether you want to become a court reporter or a scopist, the future looks bright. Here at Scoping International, “We want to be a part of the future. Our goal is to bring awareness to these industries and help educate the next generation of scopists.”

For the foreseeable future, audio and video recording technology won’t affect scoping that much. However, the majority of court reporters are reaching retirement age, and as trained professional court reporters become less and less available, digital reporting and recordings will become the standard. Even though technology is playing a greater part in the workplace and is affecting the scoping industry to some degree, this doesn’t directly impact the scoping industry too much. What will possibly change is the format in which scopists receive court proceedings. At any rate, those transcripts will still need to be formatted by a scopist.

If you are looking for a new career that offers you the flexibility to work from anywhere with an increasing demand for skilled workers, then visit our homepage and take the quiz to see if scoping is the right fit for you.


Scopisits edit transcripts of legal court proceedings

We know how hard it is to find a work from home job that is fulfilling and can support a family these days. If you like working on your computer and having control of your workflow, perhaps scoping is the right career for you. We are excited to tell you more, so let’s dive right into what is scoping and what a scopist does.  

Scoping has been around for decades. It’s in demand, reliable, and can be more lucrative than other work from home occupations. No doubt, before landing on our website, you may have never heard of scoping before. So let’s break it down for you and give you details as to what a scopist does and what kind of skill set is required.

Scoping is the process of taking the raw transcript data from the court reporter and turning it into a polished transcript. The process of turning the rough transcript into a clean transcript may take a considerable amount of time, time that the court reporter may use to complete other stenography jobs or have a life! Instead, the verbatim recording is handed over to the scopist, who takes the time to ensure that the translated transcript is completed quickly, timely, and accurately returned as a scoped file to the client.

A scopist’s job is to assist the court reporter in the transcription process.

A scopist edits the transcripts of legal court proceedings created by court reporters. After a court reporter transcribes the proceedings from spoken word, a scopist formats the transcript, checks for accuracy, and edits grammar and punctuation. This partnership between the court reporter and the scopist allows the court reporter to take on more work and therefore make more money.  Since court reporting is in demand and projected to grow faster than the average occupation in the next 10 years, scopists will subsequently be in demand.

Here are a few skills a scopist needs:

  • Excellent grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and research skills
  • Develop a good knowledge of legal terminology
  • Accurate typing skills 
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to work on their own 
  • Be a self-starter
  • Good communicator, organized, open to feedback
  • Good problem-solving skills 

One of our founders, Coralie Östberg, found scoping when she was looking for a flexible work from home career.  She started out as a proofreader, then put some time in and acquired the skills necessary to become a scopist.  After six years of working as a proofreader and scopist, Coralie has this to say about her chosen career.

“I love scoping because I enjoy the challenge of working with the English language mixed with the nuances of dealing with a verbatim record. I also love what scoping has done for my life. I finally have a skill, one that has allowed my husband and I to travel to many countries, one that allows us to live in any country we choose, and now a skill that allows me to continue to work and be able to spend time with my daughter.”

Scoping is a career that is flexible, in-demand, and satisfies the desires of any word nerd. Scoping can be done at home in your own little office, on your couch in front of the fire, or on a flight taking you to Bali for the winter. 

You can get started at absolutely no cost and see if scoping is right for you.